Борев Ю.


Книга о Николае Втором, о Керенском, Ленине, Сталине, Маленкове, Хрущеве, Брежневе, Андропове и Черненко, о Горбачеве, Ельцине, Путине и будущем — что нас ждет в XXI веке. ...

Травма и психологическая помощь

Книга в доступной форме раскрывает основные психологические причины и механизмы психической травмы и способы помощи травмированным лицам. В книгеобобщен богатый опыт авторов по психологической помощи беженцам и жертвам социальных и этнических ...

Temple Grandin, Catherine Johnson

Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior

Temple Grandin has been known to crawl through slaughterhouses to get a sense of what the animals there are experiencing. An autistic woman who as a child was recommended for institutionalization, Grandin has managed not only to enter society’s ...

David G. Campbell

A Land of Ghosts : The Braided Lives of People and the Forest in Far Western Amazonia

The western Amazon is the last frontier, as wild a west as Earth has ever known. For thirty years David G. Campbell has been exploring this lush wilderness, which contains more species than ever existed anywhere at any time in the four-billion-year ...

<<<  Жиль Николе. Белый камень             Remaking Shakespeare : Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures ... >>>

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