Marnie Schulenburg

A Test of Survival

Book DescriptionA simple lab test that could customize chemotherapy to the patient and save lives. Surely such a breakthrough would be hustled into widespread use? Not in A Test of Survival , and not in the real-life story that inspired it. ...

Are You Experienced?: Baby Boom Poets at Midlife

Book DescriptionIn this timely and reflective anthology, the generation that sought to stay forever young reveals that midlife should mean more than jokes about thinning hair, creaking joints, and thickening waistlines. Midlife's ...

COX-2 Inhibitors (Milestones in Drug Therapy)

Book DescriptionCOX-2 inhibitors are important drugs with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The discovery of COX-2, the evolution of drug development in this field and the implications of these developments in patient therapy are topics of ...

Eric Konigsberg

Blood Relation

Journalist Konigsberg embarks on a lengthy odyssey when he discovers, by chance, a dark secret that has haunted his respectable Midwestern Jewish family: his great-uncle has spent most of the past four decades in jail for a series of brutal crimes. ...

<<<  Toby Kane. Storm on the Mountain: One Young Man's Search ...             Remaking Shakespeare : Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures ... >>>

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