Ghada Karmi

In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story

Book DescriptionAn intimate and powerful narrative in which the Israel-Palestine conflict is presented, unusually, from the point of view of a Palestinian woman. A reflection of the author's personal experiences of displacement, loss and nostalgia, ...

Mark A. Reid

Black Lenses, Black Voices: African American Film Now : African American Film Now (Genre and Beyond)

Book DescriptionBlack Lenses, Black Voices is a provocative look at films directed and written--and sometimes produced--by African Americans, as well as black-oriented films whose directors and or screenwriters are not black. Taking us through the ...

Carrie Rosten

Chloe Leiberman (Sometimes Wong)

Book DescriptionThis is the deal with Chloe Leiberman (sometimes Wong): · She lives, breathes, sleeps, eats and drinks fashion. · She's half Jewish (father) and half Chinese (mother). · She has one bow-tie(like ...

Daphne Skinner

Disney Princess: My Side of the Story - Snow White/The Queen - Book #2 (My Side of the Story (Disney))

Book DescriptionAnd that business about the 'evil' Queen giving Snow White a poisoned apple? Well, per the Queen herself, she was actually a health nut who was only concerned that her stepdaughter wasn't getting the proper nutrition! ...

<<<  Nationalism in the Age of the French Revolution (History Series (Hambledon ...             Remaking Shakespeare : Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures ... >>>

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