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Ghada Karmi In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story
Book DescriptionAn intimate and powerful narrative in which the Israel-Palestine conflict is presented, unusually, from the point of view of a Palestinian woman. A reflection of the author's personal experiences of displacement, loss and nostalgia,
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Mark A. Reid Black Lenses, Black Voices: African American Film Now : African American Film Now (Genre and Beyond)
Book DescriptionBlack Lenses, Black Voices is a provocative look at films directed and written--and sometimes produced--by African Americans, as well as black-oriented films whose directors and or screenwriters are not black. Taking us through the
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Carrie Rosten Chloe Leiberman (Sometimes Wong)
Book DescriptionThis is the deal with Chloe Leiberman (sometimes Wong): · She lives, breathes, sleeps, eats and drinks fashion. · She's half Jewish (father) and half Chinese (mother). · She has one bow-tie(like
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Daphne Skinner Disney Princess: My Side of the Story - Snow White/The Queen - Book #2 (My Side of the Story (Disney))
Book DescriptionAnd that business about the 'evil' Queen giving Snow White a poisoned apple? Well, per the Queen herself, she was actually a health nut who was only concerned that her stepdaughter wasn't getting the proper nutrition!
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