Sherry Gerstein

The Lost Coin: An Amazing Journey

Book Description This is the story of how a piece of lost treasure made an amazing journey. It found its way from a pirate, to a parrot, to a shark and more. But the best part of this book is that it comes with a shiny gold coin for young readers ...

Terry Kroenung

Blood and Beauty

From searing Holocaust knife fights to clowns hurling pies, Blood And Beauty offers a dozen unmatched opportunities for actresses to display their stage combat expertise. Filling a critical need in the theatrical canon, these shortplays not ...

Maisy's Pirate Treasure Hunt (Maisy)

Book Description Captain Maisy and her crew are off on an exciting treasure-hunt adventure — just waiting for little explorers to help by searching under all the fun flaps. The treasure’s hiding in a chest. Find three ...

Rob Jovanovic

Nirvana : The Complete Recording Sessions

Book Description Nirvana turned alternative rock into the mainstream, changing the face of rock forever. Cobain has been the subject of many books since his suicide, however the one aspect has been overlooked is his extraordinary, revolutionary ...

<<<  Who's Who in Orthopedics. Book DescriptionWho's Who in Orthopedics ...             Remaking Shakespeare : Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures ... >>>

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