Grover Lewis

Splendor in the Short Grass : The Grover Lewis Reader

Book Description"Grover was, after all, the most stone wonderful writer that nobody ever heard of. . . . His job was to hammer the detritus of fugitive cultural encounters into elegant sentences, lapidary paragraphs, and knowable truth; and, in ...

Andrea Clark

The Inside-Out Makeover : (Ten Tools for Inner Balance)

Book DescriptionAcupuncture, Homeopathy, Yoga and Meditation: what could they possibly have in common? Each has the ability to bring those who receive them to a deeper sense of inner balance, contentment and self-acceptance. The road to ...

Steve Moore

The Truth About the Music Business: A Grassroots Business and Legal Guide

Book Description Whether you?re a solo artist, songwriter, or part of a band seeking to create a career in the music business, there comes the need to fi gure out more than where the next gig will be. There are many legal and business details to ...

Mourid Barghouti

I Saw Ramallah

Book DescriptionWinner of the prestigious Naguib Mahfouz Medal, this fierce and moving work is an unparalleled rendering of the human aspects of the Palestinian predicament. Barred from his homeland after 1967’s Six-Day War, the poet ...

<<<  Susan G. Miller. No Man's Land: A Caregiver's Survival Guide: ...             Remaking Shakespeare : Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures ... >>>

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