Susan G. Miller

No Man's Land: A Caregiver's Survival Guide: Living with Alzheimer's and Related Dementias (Of the Unplanned Journey Trilogy, V. 2)

Book DescriptionA look at a caregiver's bad days, good days, less than perfect interactions with the healthcare profession, relationships with family and friends while exploring the issues of love, responsibility, duty, loss and survival. ...

Keith Harrelson

Fairytails: Sleeping Beauty : Dog-Eared Renditions of the Classics (Fairy Tails)

Book DescriptionWhen Beauty (a dreamy-looking bloodhound) is 17 she finds a shaggy dog crone spinning and pricks her paw, setting off a curse. The whole palace falls asleep until a brave collie prince comes along to give Beauty that magic awakening ...

Josephine Ross

Jane Austen: A Companion

Book DescriptionThe only best-selling authors in Jane Austen?s league in the English language today are Shakespeare and Dickens. In the twenty-first century her boundless appeal continues to grow following the enormously successful TV and film ...

Thoi Nguyen

The Making of a Believer : From the Rice Paddies of Viet Nam to the Cornfields of Iowa

Book Description Thoi Nguyen was the forgotten son in a large Buddhist family. Raised under Buddhist ideals by his grandparents during the French War, he later embraced Christianity as the United States became involved in the conflict in Viet Nam. ...

<<<  Mary Sojourner. Solace : Rituals of Loss ...             Remaking Shakespeare : Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures ... >>>

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