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Susan G. Miller No Man's Land: A Caregiver's Survival Guide: Living with Alzheimer's and Related Dementias (Of the Unplanned Journey Trilogy, V. 2)
Book DescriptionA look at a caregiver's bad days, good days, less than perfect interactions with the healthcare profession, relationships with family and friends while exploring the issues of love, responsibility, duty, loss and survival.
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Keith Harrelson Fairytails: Sleeping Beauty : Dog-Eared Renditions of the Classics (Fairy Tails)
Book DescriptionWhen Beauty (a dreamy-looking bloodhound) is 17 she finds a shaggy dog crone spinning and pricks her paw, setting off a curse. The whole palace falls asleep until a brave collie prince comes along to give Beauty that magic awakening
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Josephine Ross Jane Austen: A Companion
Book DescriptionThe only best-selling authors in Jane Austen?s league in the English language today are Shakespeare and Dickens. In the twenty-first century her boundless appeal continues to grow following the enormously successful TV and film
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Thoi Nguyen The Making of a Believer : From the Rice Paddies of Viet Nam to the Cornfields of Iowa
Book Description Thoi Nguyen was the forgotten son in a large Buddhist family. Raised under Buddhist ideals by his grandparents during the French War, he later embraced Christianity as the United States became involved in the conflict in Viet Nam.
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