Mary Sojourner

Solace : Rituals of Loss and Desire

Book Description NPR commentator Mary Sojourner, "a pithy yet sensuous, spiritual yet ferocious writer" (Booklist), delivers a powerful memoir about the joys of rejecting the pace, addictions, and false values of society...and learning to ...

Tony Johnston

Mummy's Mother

Book DescriptionA young mummy boy named Ramose is awakened one day by the sound of graverobbers invading his home--the pharoah's tomb. They've stolen his mother (who's also a mummy) and now it's up to Ramose to find her. With the help of a cranky ...

Hilari Bell

A Matter of Profit

Book Description The T'Chin may be plotting an assassination -- and Ahvren has to stop them Ahvren is fed up with war, but as a Vivitare soldier he must fight or risk dishonoring his family. His sister, Sabri, ...

Gershom Gerhard Scholem

Walter Benjamin: The Story of a Friendship (New York Review Books Classics)

Book DescriptionGershom Scholem was a teenager when he and Walter Benjamin became close friends. Here he illuminates their common engagement with the Kabbalah and sharp disagreement over Marxism, while registering his undying sorrow at ...

<<<  Gaston Leroux. The Phantom Of The Opera [UNABRIDGED]             Remaking Shakespeare : Performance Across Media, Genres and Cultures ... >>>

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