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Dorian Cirrone Dancing in Red Shoes Will Kill You
Book Description I hadn't really thought of my breasts as "problem breasts." It made them sound like children who wouldn't behave. No bra was going to keep these babies a secret. And those tips for the full-figured girl in the magazines? Please.
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John W. Gosney Beyond Reality: A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming
Book Description This is not a game?or is it? Alternate reality games (ARGs) ask players to ignore barriers that separate the real world from the virtual?Web sites, television ads, movie credits, and even game-generated phone calls can be clues to
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Andrea McCloud Meditation: Simple Steps for Health and Well-Being (Glow Guide)
Book DescriptionEven busy days are filled with opportunities for affirming, rejuvenating, and calming meditations. The 60 simple ideas in Glow Guide: Meditation show readers how to slow down and relax, right here, right now. Absolute beginners will
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Pat Maximoff Going to Nias : An Indonesian Adventure
Book DescriptionPat and Bob were completely prepared for their vacation. They had lived in Indonesia long enough to be ready for anything. Nothing could possibly go wrong. But what happens when the system breaks down? What if, to reach
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