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Linda Troeller, Annette Foglino Spa Journeys
Spas have been a cherished indulgence for the greater part of human history, representing the ultimate fusion of physical pampering and spiritual renewal. From austere retreats to luxurious pleasure palaces, spas can be found on mountaintops and on
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Naguib Mahfouz The Dreams
Book DescriptionNew fiction from Nobel prizewinning Egyptian writer Naguib Mahfouz! In this new collection of his shortest short stories, the Egyptian Nobel laureate has reduced fictional form to its most essential level, while retaining his
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Elise Moss Architectural Desktop 2006 Fundamentals
Book DescriptionThis Fundamentals text introduces the beginning student to Autodesk's Architectural Desktop software. The text covers the Layer Manager, Design Center, Structural Members, Doors, Windows, and Walls. Step by Step lessons take the
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Judith Oster Crossing Cultures: Creating Identity in Chinese and Jewish American Literature
Book DescriptionIn this important new study, Judith Oster looks at the literature of Chinese Americans and Jewish Americans in relation to each other. Examining what is most at issue for both groups as they live between two cultures, languages, and
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