George A. Jouganatos

The Development of the Greek Economy, 1950-1991: An Historical, Empirical, and Econometric Analysis (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)

This work examines the development of the Greek economy during the years 1950-1991. Jouganatos divides that era into five separate political periods and evaluates each one's economic development. He supplies an overview of the political history for ...

Colin C. Williams, Jan Windebank

Poverty and the Third Way

Poverty and the Third Way uncovers how New Labour's employment-focussed approach causes, rather than resolves, poverty. Searching for another approach, the authors find the seeds of an alternative 'third way' in radical European social democratic ...

Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jeffrey Paul

Problems of Market Liberalism (Social Philosophy and Policy)

The essays in this volume assess the strength and impact of market liberal or libertarian political theory, which, broadly conceived, advocates a more carefully circumscribed role for the state and a greater reliance on the ability of individuals ...

Christiaan Grootaert, Thierry Van Bastelaer, Robert D. Putnam

The Role of Social Capital in Development: An Empirical Assessment

Social capital can be defined as the institutions and networks of relationships between people, complemented by the attitudes, norms and values that underlie them. Based on a large volume of newly collected data from ten countries, this is the first ...

<<<  Bernard Sternsher. Hope Restored: How the New Deal Worked in Town ...             Шри Свами Шивананда. Философия идолопоклонства >>>

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