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Louis F. Post What Is the Single Tax
As a rational method of bringing the present social order into conformity with natural social laws which it now ignores, the Single Tax was proposed and explained early in the last third of the nineteenth century by Henry George (1839-1897). The
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Otto H. Jacobs, Christoph Spengel Effective Tax Burden in Europe: Current Situation, Past Developments and Simulations of Reforms (Zew Economic Studies, 15)
This book summarises the results of a study on behalf of the European Commission. It presents estimates of effective average tax rates (EATR) in five EU Member States plus the USA. The main aim is to compare EATR on domestic investments by
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Andrew D. Westhem, Stewart J. Weissman, Marketplace Books Tax-Smart Investing : Maximizing Your Client's Profits (A Marketplace Book)
In /ITax-Smart Investing/N, you'll find an invaluable ally to help your guide your clients through the minefield of tax consequences of a wide range of investment vehicles. Investment professional Andrew Westhem and Stewart Weissman reveal the tax
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Oscar Williams A Token's View from Inside the Internal Revenue Service
This book is a humorous satire about the inner fumbling, bumbling and sometimes just plain chaos which the Internal Revenue Service would like to keep away from the public eyes. A few of the things which this book illustrates are a failed equal
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