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Steven Keeva Transforming Practices : Finding Joy and Satisfaction in the Legal Life
From law school to the law firm, lawyers are taught and encouraged to win, with little regard to the emotional consequences. After years of being obsessed with winning, racking up billable hours, and fishing for clients, many lawyers lose sight
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Brian Kelly Race, Class, and Power in the Alabama Coalfields, 1908-21 (The Working Class in American History)
In this lucid and supremely readable study, Brian Kelly challenges the prevailing notion that white workers were the main source of resistance to racial equality in the Jim Crow South. Kelly explores the forces that brought the black and white
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Daniel B. Cornfield, Randy Hodson Worlds of Work: Building an International Sociology of Work (Plenum Studies in Work and Industry)
The advent of transnational economic production and market integration compels sociologists of work to look beyond traditional national boundaries and build an international sociology of work in order to effectively address the human, scientific,
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Dawn K. Brohawn, Esop Association U.S. Journey to an Ownership Culture
The first Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) was launched in 1956, but few people knew about it, and even fewer understood it. Today, over 10,000 companies offer some form of ESOP. These are companies who have decided that the best way to operate
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