Paul Dunn, Ronald J. Baker

The Firm of the Future: A Guide for Accountants, Lawyers, and Other Professional Services

Praise for The Firm of the Future "In The Firm of the Future, Paul Dunn and Ron Baker create an intellectual challenge for firm leaders. They are truly two of the best critical thinkers today. Together they provide the reader with a wealth of ...

Julie L. Davis, Suzanne S. Harrison

Edison in the Boardroom: How Leading Companies Realize Value from Their Intellectual Assets

"Edison in the Boardroom offers the reader something that is hard to find-a clear perspective and roadmap that shows how patent assets fit on the corporate landscape. The authors develop a unique five-level hierarchy of asset management and take us ...

Steven J. Adams, Don Keller, Lee Pryor, Mary Harston

Using Management Accounting Information: A Case Decision Approach

Adams is a decision oriented managerial accounting text that emphasizes discovery learning instead of the more traditional memorization. Using an interactive, decision-making case approach, Adams is organized around the types of business decisions ...

William Reichenstein, William W. Jennings, William Reichenstein

Integrating Investments and the Tax Code

Add Value to any Client?s Portfolio With Tax-Saving Strategies "Bill Reichenstein and William Jennings are two of the industry?s very few true pioneers. This book should be on the short list of anyone interested in private wealth ...

<<<  Robert Libby, Patricia A. Libby, Daniel G. Short. ...             Шри Свами Шивананда. Философия идолопоклонства >>>

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