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Bernard Sternsher Hope Restored: How the New Deal Worked in Town and Country
Bernard Sternsher has assembled writings by historians that show how, even though the New Deal's initiatives did not always work, FDR's program was a psychological and political success.
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Charlie Pye-Smith The Subsidy Scandal: How Your Government Wastes Your Money to Wreck Your Environment
Governments spend trillions every year on subsidies to a whole host of industries, ranging from agriculture to mining, energy to transport. Subsidies are supposed to contribute to the public good, but do they? In the vast majority of cases, the
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James A. Crutchfield, Arnold Zellner The Economics of Marine Resources and Conservation Policy: The Pacific Halibut Case Study With Commentary
How can we manage a so-called "renewable" natural resource such as a fishery when we don't know how renewable it really is? James A. Crutchfield and Arnold Zellner developed a dynamic and highly successful economic approach to this problem,
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Orlando A. Ochoa Growth, Trade and Endogenous Technology: A Study of Oecd Manufacturing
This is a parallel examination of long-run trade patterns and government policy issues, which completes a broader account of how knowledge-based growth in industrial output is at the heart of modern economic prosperity.
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