Alice Teichova, Herbert Matis

Nation, State, and the Economy in History

At a time of persistent national strife on a worldwide scale, this book addresses the inadequately covered subject of the reciprocal relationships between nationalism, nation and state-building, and economic change. The exploration of the economic ...

Susan Eva Eckstein

Back from the Future

Susan Eckstein describes how and explains why Cuban Communism has been misperceived and misunderstood abroad. Concealed behind Marxist-Leninist rhetoric and Castro's autocratic single-party rule has been a government promoting a cradle-to-grave ...

Thomas T. Sekine, Thomas T. Dialectic of Capital Sekine

An Outline of the Dialectic of Capital

Sekine follows the method advanced by Kozu Uno to provide an updated version of Marx's economic theory, in its full scope, as described in the three volumes of Das Kapital . It constitutes a dialectical system, consisting of the doctrines ...

Richardson Wright

Hawkers and Walkers in Early America

1927. This volume tells the tale of strolling peddlers, preachers, lawyers, doctors, players and others, from the beginning to the Civil War. Contents: Yankee peddler; rise of the Yankee peddler; Yankee notions; peddlers in little things; peddlers ...

<<<  Richard Cornes, Todd Sandler. The Theory of Externalities, ...             Шри Свами Шивананда. Философия идолопоклонства >>>

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