Derek H. Aldcroft, Anthony Sutcliffe

Europe in the International Economy 1500 to 2000

This thorough and compelling book offers a long-run perspective on the European economy from 1500 to the present day, and compares Europe?s position of world dominance in the nineteenth century with its vacillating fortunes in the twentieth ...

Avi Ben-Basat, Avi Ben-Bassat, Makhon Le-Mehkar Kalkali Be-Yisrael Al-Shem Moris Falk

The Israeli Economy, 1985?1998: From Government Intervention to Market Economics

From 1973 to 1985, the Israeli economy suffered a deep crisis: the growth rate declined, foreign debt increased, and inflation soared to annual rates of a few hundred percent. This book analyzes the structural reforms initiated between 1985 and 1998 ...

Edward E. Ericson

Feeding the German Eagle : Soviet Economic Aid to Nazi Germany, 1933-1941

The dramatic story of Hitler and Stalin's marriage of convenience has been recounted frequently over the past 60 years, but with remarkably little consensus. As the first English-language study to analyze the development, extent, and importance of ...

Roger Middleton

The British Economy Since 1945: Engaging With the Debate (British History in Perspective)

This concise and up-to-date introductory text on British economic policy and performance from 1945 to the present day offers a balanced assessment of the extent to which there was economic underperformance. It also explores whether the radical ...

<<<  Maxine Berg, Pat Hudson, Michael Sonenscher. Manufacture ...             Шри Свами Шивананда. Философия идолопоклонства >>>

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