Anthony F. Herbst

Capital Asset Investment: Strategy, Tactics and Tools

Capital Asset Investment offers a detailed exposition of the theory, quantitative methods, and applications of capital budgeting. Comprehensive in scope, the author covers all the major topics in the field, providing a balanced treatment of ...

Robert E. Kleeman, R. James Alerding, Benjamin D. Miller

The Handbook for Divorce Valuations

A complete, compact guide to business valuation in divorce litigation The Handbook for Divorce Valuations is a comprehensive, practical handbook that covers every aspect of the CPA's role in divorce proceedings. It offers clear and detailed ...

Michael Rosenberg

Exchange Rate Determination (Irwin Library of Investment & Finance.)

Models and Strategies for Exchange Rate Forecasting Michael R. Rosenberg Getting an accurate exchange rate is critical for any company doing business in today's global economy. Exchange Rate Determination --written by the number ...

Edward Winslow

Blind Faith: Our Misplaced Trust in the Stock Market and Smarter, Safer Ways to Invest

Blind Faith takes head on the unquestioned financial dogma of modern times: that stocks are the best long-term investment you will ever make. But, as Ed Winslow ably reveals, the way we?ve been counseled to "play the market" amounts to little ...

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