Mary Hunt

The Complete Cheapskate: How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out, and Break Free from Money Worries Forever

In need of a Money Makeover? Let America's most popular cheapskate show you how to go from financial chaos to freedom and security--painlessly and in less time than you ever imagined. Mary Hunt has helped thousands live a ...

Melenie Herman, George L. Head, Toni E. Fogarty, Peggy M. Jackson

Managing Risk in Nonprofit Organizations : A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to manage and leverage risk Like all organizations in today?s volatile marketplace, nonprofits are under tremendous pressure to be more accountable for their operations, specifically to funders, donors, clients, and the public ...

Alice H. Magos

Small Business Financing: How and Where To Get It, (Second Edition)

Securing adequate funding for a business venture can be one of the most difficult obstacles faced by entrepreneurs. This resource instructs readers on the best ways to raise money for growing or starting a small business by discussing each source of ...

Phillip F. Ostwald, Timothy S. McLaren

Cost Analysis and Estimating for Engineering and Management

This popular book supplies readers with the latest principles and techniques for the evaluation of engineering design. The emphasis is on analysis and estimating. Included in this new edition is a chapter that introduces principles that deal with ...

<<<  Walter Bagehot. Lombard Street : A Description of the ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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