Tim Lang, Michael Heasman, M. A. Heasman

Food Wars: Public Health and the Battle for Mouths Minds and Markets

The growth of a single global market is having far-reaching and profound effects on what we eat, with corresponding implications for public health. This is the first full examination, by two of the world's leading food policy experts, of these ...

Susan H. Lees

The Political Ecology of the Water Crisis in Israel

This book illustrates the interactions of local-level actors and institutions which govern the management of resources at regional and national levels. It discusses irrigated agriculture, an ideal illustration of resource management's linkage of ...

Nils Petter Gleditsch

The Wages of Peace: Disarmament in a Small Industrialized Economy

With the end of the Cold War, many nations have set about cutting their military spending, and visions of a large `peace dividend' have emerged. Yet, even today, the arms race remains one of the major projects of humankind, and one of the most ...

David L. Johnson

Symmetries (Critical Reports on Applied Chemistry)

Written by the author of Elements of Logic via Numbers and Sets the main object of study for this book is geometry, with group theory providing an appropriate language in which to express geometrical ideas. Key features include: -An overview of the ...

<<<  Asit K. Biswas. Water Resources of North America             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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