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Asit K. Biswas Water Resources of North America
The authors describe the status of water resource use and water quality in Canada, the US and Mexico at the start of the third millenium. The book summarizes future water use and supply projections, plus the primary challenges currently facing water
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Paul Burkett Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective
There may still be disagreement about the threat to human survival posed by society’s environmental impacts, but no one can doubt that individual eco-systems and the global biosphere are both increasingly shaped by human production and
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Roy Carr-Hill, John Lintott Consumption, Jobs and the Environment: A Fourth Way?
Consumption, Jobs and the Environment argues that the present pattern of development, based on everlasting economic growth, is completely unsatisfactory from a welfare point of view. It threatens ecological catastrophe while perpetuating
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Pieter Van Beukering, Pieter J. H. Van Beukering Recycling, International Trade and the Environment: An Empirical Analysis
During the last century international trade has become indispensable for many economies. This is not only the case for trade in primary raw materials and consumer products but also for secondary (recyclable) materials. With the rapid growth of the
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