Dusan Sidjanski

The Federal Future of Europe: From the European Community to the European Union

The European Union is building step-by-step a new federal system based on states, nations, and regions. In his authoritative and comprehensive book, Dusan Sidjanski describes the formation of the original European Community and the dynamics of ...

Pietro S. Nivola

Comparative Disadvantages?: Social Regulations and the Global Economy

The American economy is in many ways uniquely unfettered. Nowhere else in the industrial world is it easier to set up a discount store, start a new airline, or shrink a payroll. But extensive economic deregulation has been matched by a burgeoning ...

Karl Aiginger, Gernot Hutschenreiter

Economic Policy Issues for the Next Decade

There are several reasons why it has become important to rethink economic policy. Out of the European perspective it is the new currency, the enlargement towards Central and Eastern European countries, the sluggish growth and the end of productivity ...

Michael Keating

The New Regionalism in Western Europe: Territorial Restructuring and Political Change

In the 1990s, the states of Western Europe face twin challenges, from above in the shape of globalization and European integration, and from below in the form of new regionalist movements. In this authoritative book, Michael Keating traces the ...

<<<  Ashwin Desai. We Are the Poors: Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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