Ashwin Desai

We Are the Poors: Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa

"One is transported from barricade to courtroom to communal cooking-pot to dance-floor. You get to see the struggle from the inside out ... All I know who have read it, feel in fighting form after putting it down." ?Natal Mercury "An ...

Isabelle Grunberg, Sarbuland Khan

Globalization: The United Nations Development Dialogue - Finance, Trade, Poverty, Peace-building

This publication contains statements and other materials from the past two years, 1998-1999, of debate and dialogue in the Economic and Social Council. The aim is to bring the Organization's work to a wider audience. The book covers key issues such ...

Herbert W. Robinson

The Challenge to Government: Management of a Capitalist Economy

This book concerns the task of developing a logical, systematic approach to government "management" of a competitive free market capitalist economy by means of government taxes and expenditures, budget deficits or surpluses and monetary policy. ...

Switzerland) World Trade Forum 2000 Neuchatel, Petros C. Mavroidis, Patrick Blatter, Thomas Cottier

The Role of the Judge: Lessons for the Wto (Studies in International Economics)

The incorporation of intellectual property protection into the WTO international trading system has been a milestone in international economic law and has added a new dimension to trade regulation?new rights and obligations and new challenges ...

<<<  Gary D. Libecap. Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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