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I Cheng, Thomas Cleary, Cheng Yi, Thomas F. Cleary The Tao of Organization: The I Ching for Group Dynamics (Shambhala Dragon Editions)
Thomas Cleary's extensive introdution gives specific, systematic guidelines for consulting the I Ching for greatest understanding and best results. Included in the afterword is a profile of the modern Japanese organizational genius Matsushita
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Ron Elsdon Affiliation in the Workplace : Value Creation in the New Organization
This book draws on studies that quantify the link between individual development and organizational value creation. Strengthening this link is key to building a strong sense of affiliation and a more productive workforce. The author provides
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Barrie Gunter, Adrian Furnham Assessing Potential: A Biodata Approach
This text is about the identification, measurement and assessment of business potential among possible future or existing employees. It examines research on using biographical information about individuals to determine their potential in a specific
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Alan Burton-Jones Knowledge Capitalism: Business, Work, and Learning in the New Economy
This book probes the surface of contemporary economic and social change and reveals how the shift to a knowledge-based economy is redefining firms, empowering individuals, and reshaping the links between learning and work. Using economic and
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