James G. Hunt

Leadership: A New Synthesis

Complementing other books published in the field of strategic management, Leadership emphasizes the differences in leadership requirements at multiple levels in an organization - a difference that is not just one of degree but also one of ...

Stephen Fineman

Understanding Emotion at Work

Understanding Emotion at Work gets to the heart of what binds and breaks organizations: emotion. It explores beyond the surface of work to the rich emotional life bubbling underneath, showing what employees and managers constantly deal with but are ...

David M. Boje

Narrative Methods for Organization and Communication Research (Sage Series in Management Research)

An essential guide for academics and researchers needing to look at alternative discourse analysis strategies. As a research tool, narrative methods have become increasingly useful in organization studies, ...

Andrew Pettigrew, Evelyn Fenton

The Innovating Organization

The Innovating Organization is a systematic, empirical study of the change in forms from traditional multi-divisional hierarchies to flatter, less rigid networks. The rich array of data generated by the eight current international ...

<<<  Richard Steckel, Robin Simons, Jeffrey Simons, ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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