Candice Fredrick, Camille Atkinson

Women, Ethics and the Workplace

As women are entering the workforce in record numbers, there is an urgent need to address the specific ethical problems that working women face. Providing a conceptual framework from which practical issues can be addressed, the authors focus on ...

Thomas Donaldson, Al Gini

Case Studies in Business Ethics (4th Edition)

This collection of quality cases and essays on business ethics addresses some of the most pertinent ethical issues in today's business environment. It goes well beyond matters of fraud and public relations to consider standards of ...

Wayne C. Booth

The Company We Keep: An Ethics of Fiction

In The Company We Keep, Wayne C. Booth argues for the relocation of ethics to the center of our engagement with literature. But the questions he asks are not confined to morality. Returning ethics to its root sense, Booth proposes that the ...

Marvin J. Levine

Children for Hire : The Perils of Child Labor in the United States

Levine explains that since 1981, there has been a relaxation in enforcement of federal child labor law provisions in America. He presents the complicated elements and troubling implications of the problem, focusing especially on matters of ...

<<<  Elizabeth Wilcox, Elizabeth, Md. Berger. The Mom Economy: The Mothers' Guide ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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