Elizabeth Wilcox, Elizabeth, Md. Berger

The Mom Economy: The Mothers' Guide to Getting Family-Friendly Work

The Mom Economy offers hands-on exercises; guidance from career counselors, psychologists, and human resource professionals; and valuable advice from more than 100 working mothers with family-friendly employment, in an indispensable guide ...

Tracey Wilen

International Business: A Basic Guide for Women

"Take the mystery out of doing business internationally. This handbook is a must for women and men who would like a little insight into the business customs around the world. There are helpful tips that will help the business traveler avoid ...

Sandra Lauderdale Graham

House and Street : The Domestic World of Servants and Masters in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro

Social and feminist historians will certainly applaud the sensitivity with which this book unveils the duress of servants' working and living conditions without neglecting to portray human endurance and individual or collective resistance to ...

Gay L. Gullickson

The Spinners and Weavers of Auffay: Rural Industry and the Sexual Division of Labor in a French Village

The cottage industry of France enjoyed enormous growth from the mid-eighteenth to the mid-nineteenth century. Through an intensive analysis of the social and economic impact of the expansion of this female-dominated industry, Gay Gullickson broadens ...

<<<  Fash????. French Public Opinion and the Transition to the Single Currency ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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