Gillian M. Marcelle

Technological Learning: A Strategic Imperative For Firms In The Developing World

Book DescriptionThis book investigates how individual firms in developing countries undertake technological learning and capability building (TCB) efforts and explains why some developing country firms are world-class and others struggle with these ...

Katherine Marshall

Finding Global Balance: Common Grounds Between the Worlds of Development And Faith

Book DescriptionThis book relates the latest chapter in the story of a remarkable partnership between the worlds of faith and development, launched in 1998 by Jim Wolfensohn and then Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, when they convened a ...

Roger Guesnerie

Assessing Rational Expectations 2 : "Eductive" Stability in Economics

Book DescriptionThe rational expectations hypothesis (REH) dominates economic modeling in areas ranging from monetary theory, macroeconomics, and general equilibrium to finance. In this book, Roger Guesnerie continues the critical analysis of the ...

O. Darne

New Trends in Macroeconomics

Book Description"This volume does exactly what its title says: it acquaints with 'New Trends in Macroeconomics'. More specifically, it contains eleven chapters covering different aspects of modern macroeconomics: short-run fluctuations, long-run ...

<<<  Mila Freire. Connecting Cities With Macro-Economic Concerns: ...             Джиллиан Хоффман. Возмездие >>>

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