Mila Freire

Connecting Cities With Macro-Economic Concerns: The Missing Link

Download DescriptionThis book examines the influence of local public services on the economics of cities. The relationship between economic development and urbanization is indisputable; less clear, however, are the ways in which cities directly ...

World Bank

Creating Fiscal Space for Poverty Reduction in Ecuador: A Fiscal Management and Public Expenditure Review (World Bank Country Study) (World Bank Country Study)

Book DescriptionEcuador?¦s impressive fiscal performance of 2003 is encouraging, but fragile. Several structural bottlenecks could impede fiscal discipline and recovery, which is a pre-condition to develop a poverty reduction agenda. Tax ...

John Loxley

Alternative Budgets : Budgeting as if People Mattered

Book Description Alternative budgets are presented as a method of political mobilization that advances fiscally responsible government allocation of resources in this treatise on the enlightened alternatives to the neoconservative agenda of ...

Xiaolan Fu

Exports, Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development in China

This volume, based on a series analysis using up-to-date econometric technique, systematically investigates the role that exports and foreign direct investment (FDI) have played in China's development process, and questions the received wisdom ...

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