Paola Corso

Giovanna's 86 Circles : And Other Stories (Wi Library Amer Fiction)

Book Description These ten magical stories are primarily set in Pittsburgh-area river towns, where Italian American women and girls draw from their culture and folklore to bring life and a sense of wonder to a seemingly barren ...

Philip Larkin

Jazz Writings: Essays and Reviews 1940-84

New Ed edition ...

Jon Tillman

The Ultimate Guide to Health from Nature : Vitamins, Minerals, Herbal Remedies, Bach Flower Remedies, and Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Book DescriptionFive of the most important disciplines of holistic health-vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies, Bach flower remedies, and aromatherapy-are presented in this unique book, each by an expert in that particular field. Discussions of both ...

Spot's Little Book of Fun At Home (Spot Touch & Feel Books)

Book DescriptionIn these new, small format touch & feel books, Spot is ready for a full day's worth of fun in four different locales-the farm, the beach, the garden, and finally playing at home. Along the way, simple words on every page describe the ...

<<<  Mary Frances Coady. With Bound Hands: A Jesuit in Nazi Germany ...             Helen Tower Brunet. Nellie and Charlie : A Family ... >>>

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