Mary Frances Coady

With Bound Hands: A Jesuit in Nazi Germany : The Life and Selected Prison Letters of Alfred Delp

Book DescriptionAlfred Delp was a proud German, a Jesuit priest, a Nazi resister, and a martyr. Executed by the Nazis in 1945 for crimes against the Third Reich, Delp left a legacy in letters written from his prison cell. This book tells Delp's life ...

Chris Abani

Daphne's Lot

Book DescriptionThe masterful wedding of the narrative and the lyric in these poems (whose subject is the maturation of a sensibility, the coming-of-age of a young Englishwoman ? the power of her ties to family, husband and her "adopted" ...

Reinhard Strohm

The Rise of European Music, 1380-1500

Book DescriptionThis is a detailed and comprehensive survey of music in the late middle ages and early Renaissance. ...

Nicholas Philliou

Naked Among the Tombs : A novel

Book DescriptionA postcard arrives from the Utah desert, bearing a simple but confusing message. The words ?When you?re ready, you?re always welcome? become the first catalyst to shake Constantine ?Gus? Cast free from ...

<<<  Kimberly Scott. On the Bus: A Novel of Families Trapped by Forced Busing             Helen Tower Brunet. Nellie and Charlie : A Family ... >>>

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