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Mary Frances Coady With Bound Hands: A Jesuit in Nazi Germany : The Life and Selected Prison Letters of Alfred Delp
Book DescriptionAlfred Delp was a proud German, a Jesuit priest, a Nazi resister, and a martyr. Executed by the Nazis in 1945 for crimes against the Third Reich, Delp left a legacy in letters written from his prison cell. This book tells Delp's life
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Chris Abani Daphne's Lot
Book DescriptionThe masterful wedding of the narrative and the lyric in these poems (whose subject is the maturation of a sensibility, the coming-of-age of a young Englishwoman ? the power of her ties to family, husband and her "adopted"
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Reinhard Strohm The Rise of European Music, 1380-1500
Book DescriptionThis is a detailed and comprehensive survey of music in the late middle ages and early Renaissance.
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Nicholas Philliou Naked Among the Tombs : A novel
Book DescriptionA postcard arrives from the Utah desert, bearing a simple but confusing message. The words ?When you?re ready, you?re always welcome? become the first catalyst to shake Constantine ?Gus? Cast free from
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