N.S.W.) International Symposium on Experimental Robotics 1999 Sydney, P.I. Corke, Peter I. Corke, James P. Trevelyan

Experimental Robotics VI: The Sixth International Symposium, Sydney, Australia, March 26-28, 1999 (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 250)

This book presents the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics held in Sydney in March 1999. The editors and contributors represent the leading robotics research efforts from around the world. Micro-machines, ...

Editors M. Nivat, A. Podelski

Tree Automata and Languages

The theory of tree languages, founded in the late Sixties and still active in the Seventies, was much less active during the Eighties. Now there is a simultaneous revival in several countries, with a number of significant results proved in the past ...

Stuart Blake-Jones

Video Color Correction for Non-Linear Editors: A Step-by-Step Guide

Today's non-linear editing systems are equipped with a wide range of color correction tools that were previously only available in dedicated color correction suites. This book shows video editors how to take full advantage of their power. Clear, ...

Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA 3 and 4 Companion Guide, Third Edition

The only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy Program The CCNA 3 and 4 Companion Guide contains the information from the online curriculum with additional in-depth content to enhance your understanding of some topics ...

<<<  Robert Rowe. Machine Musicianship             Robert J. Thierauf. On-line Analytical Processing Systems for Business >>>

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