Robert Rowe

Machine Musicianship

Musicians begin formal training by acquiring a body of musical concepts commonly known as musicianship. These concepts underlie the musical skills of listening, performance, and composition. Like humans, computer music programs can benefit from a ...

Edward A. Feigenbaum, Julian Feldman

Computers and Thought

Computers and Thought showcases the work of the scientists who not only defined the field of Artificial Intelligence, but who are responsible for having developed it into what it is today. Originally published in 1963, this collection includes ...

Chin-Liang Chang, Richard Char-Tung Lee

Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving (Computer Science Classics)

This book contains an introduction to symbolic logic and a thorough discussion of mechanical theorem proving and its applications. The book consists of three major parts. Chapters 2 and 3 constitute an introduction to symbolic logic. Chapters 4-9 ...

R. J. Clarke, R.J. Clarke

Digital Compression of Still Images and Video (Signal Processing and Its Application)

Spectacular advances during the last decade have altered the related disciplines of computing and telecommunications beyond all recognition. The developments in the"enabling technologies,"which have made these advances possible, have been less ...

<<<  Michael Morrison. Beginning Mobile Phone Game Programming             Robert J. Thierauf. On-line Analytical Processing Systems for Business >>>

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