Robert S., Clu, Chfc, Flmi, Srm Littell, Donna Fisher

Power Netweaving: 10 Secrets to Successful Relationship Marketing

Tap into the power of win-win networking and build your business by helping your prospects and clients. Become sought after as a strategic matchmaker and resource provider. With Power NetWeaving the possibilities are endless! More than a book of ...

Stephen Keating

Cutthroat: High Stakes & Killer Moves on the Electronic Frontier

A lively, fast-paced, unauthorized account of power brokers and sky-high deals, "Cutthroat" is the one book you must read to understand the players, the tactics, and the future in the brutal telecommunications market battle between satellite TV and ...

Jagdish N. Sheth, David M. Gardner, Dennis E. Garrett

Marketing Theory: Evolution and Evaluation

This thought-provoking book chronicles the evolution of marketing theories and the rationales behind them. The authors present a typology for the twelve schools of marketing thought, and describe a comprehensive metatheoretical framework based on ...

Jay Levinson, Bigwig Briefs Staff,, Aspatore Books Staff

Bigwig Briefs: Guerrilla Marketing - The Best of Guerrilla Marketing & Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

Best selling author Jay Levinson shares the now world famous principles behind guerrilla marketing, in the first ever "brief" written on the subject. Items discussed include the Principles Behind Guerrilla Marketing, What Makes a Guerrilla, ...

<<<  Frank Catalano, Bud E. Smith. Internet Marketing for Dummies             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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