Michelle McGarry

Train at Home to Work at Home: How to Get Certified, Earn a Degree, or Take a Class from Home to Begin a Work-At-Home Career

Begin a Work-at-Home Career with the Training and Education You Need! Train at Home to Work at Home This unique guide provides comprehensive resources on more than 200 distance-learning programs that can teach you 27 of the most popular and ...

Afshine A. Emrani, Hosgood, Kerwin, Hawkes, Press, Werner, Perkins, Steven Emanuel

Principles and Practices of Electrical Epilation

Written for the practising electrolysist and student 'The Principles and Practice of Electrical Epilation' covers all aspects of electro-epilation and takes into account recent changes and advances in training and technology during the past decade. ...

Maxine Dalton, Center for Creative Leadership

Learning Tactics Inventory, includes sample copy of Participant's Workbook : Facilitator's Guide

Help managers secure their success by learning to learn! How you learn and what you learn are inextricably linked. Imagine a manager who prefers to resolve situations on her own. If she is offered the opportunity to work on a new project ...

Elizabeth Kowaleski-Wallace

Consuming Subjects

Consuming Subjects is an insightful exploration of the origin of the modern idea of women as shoppers. Kowaleski-Wallace considers the origins of current ideas about women and consumerism to call into question the "natural" link between women ...

<<<  Donald E., Md. Lighter, Douglas C. Fair. Principles and Methods of Quality Management ...             John Rothchild. A Fool and His Money: The ... >>>

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