Peter Krass

The Book of Investing Wisdom : Classic Writings by Great Stock-Pickers and Legends of Wall Street (Book of Business Wisdom)

Praise for The Book of Investing Wisdom . "Those who invest well have an innate ability to distill abundant, raw information into the scarce commodity of wisdom. Here's how some of the best have done it down through the ...

Michael B. O'Higgins with John Downes

Beating the Dow

In 1991, Michael B.O'Higgins, one of the nation's top money managers, turned the investment world upside down with an ingenious strategy, showing how all investors -from those with only $5,000 to invest to millionaires -could beat the pros 95% of ...

Al Gietzen

Advanced Cycle Trading: Cutting Edge Techniques for Profiting from Market Tops and Bottoms

This breakthrough book demonstrates how to combine price, trading volume and volatility into a single indicator that identifies tops and bottoms with amazing accuracy. The indicator, called ``market reactivity,'' enbles traders to prodect major ...

Dhun H. Sethna

Investing Smart: How to Pick Winning Stocks with Investor's Business Daily

Using Investor's Business Daily as his major source of investment information, Dhun Sethna tripled his portfolio in five years. In Investing Smart, Sethna shares what he's learned about picking stocks with the nation's fastest growing newspaper, ...

<<<  George A. Fontanills. Trade Options Online (Wiley Online Trading for ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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