Robert A. Clark

Africa's Emerging Securities Markets

Rates of return for African investments are among the highest in the world yet African nations have not attracted the level of foreign direct investment required to help their economics emerge and develop. This means that African securities markets ...

Ibp USA, Emerging Markets Investment Center

Croatia Business Law Handbook

This law handbook contains information on basic business legislation, laws and regulatoins affecting export-import, business, foreign investments, property rights, taxation and banking. ...

Adam Jolly

Doing Business With Latin America (Kogan Page Doing Business In... Series)

Full of practical recommendations, this guide is invaluable for anyone interested in doing business in the potentially lucrative markets in Latin America. Chapters include information on- the new context for business in the 90s country reviews ...

George Cho

Trade, Aid and Global Interdependence (Routledge Introductions to Development)

Trade, Aid and Global Interdependence introduces trade as both concept and activity, placing aid wihting the context of trade in practice. The trend towards the globalization of trade, especially in the light of GATT and its emphasis on greater ...

<<<  International Business Publications USA. Laos Business & ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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