William M. Dugger, Howard J. Sherman

Reclaiming Evolution : A Dialogue on How Societies Evolve (Advances in Social Economics)

In this unique book, Sherman and Dugger engage in a dialogue on evolution from Institutionalist and Marxist perspectives, each representing one side. The result is an extremely accessible study of economic evolution - the intention being to explore ...

Athol Fitzgibbons

Adam Smith's System of Liberty, Wealth & Virtue: The Moral & Political Foundations of the Wealth of Nations

This book examines the influence that Adam Smith's philosophy had on his economics, drawing on the neglected parts of Smith's writings to show that the political and economic theories built logically on his morals. It analyses the significance of ...

Dominic Moreo

Problems to Go, Problems to Solve

Louis Pasteur put succinctly the task of this book, to wit, "...chance favors the prepared mind." To that end, this work contributes to the mental wallpapers that facilitate problem solving by any individual, student or adult, of contemporary ...

Peter K. Nevitt, Frank J. Fabozzi

Equipment Leasing, 4th Edition

Equipment Leasing is a practical reference for financial managers who need background information, and an understanding of how leasing can be utilized as a cost-effective means of equipment financing?especially under the new tax law in the ...

<<<  Thomas E. Graedel, Braden R. Allenby. Industrial Ecology (2nd Edition)             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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