Harumi Befu, Sylvie Guichard-Anguis, European Association for Japanese Studies

Globalizing Japan: Ethnography of the Japanese Presence in Asia, Europe, and America (NISSAN INSTITUTE ROUTLEDGE JAPANESE STUDIES SERIES)

This book explores the social and cultural dimensions of Japan's global presenbce. From cameras and automobiles to judo, cuisine or animation, Japan's presence in the popular imagination is heavily influenced both by the country's historical past ...

Bob S. Hadiwinata

Politics of NGOs in Indonesia: Developing Democracy and Managing a Movement

This book deals with two major issues: how Indonesian NGOs survived under Suharto's authoritarian rule; and how NGOs contributed to the promotion of democracy in the post-Suharto era. If NGOs are to change from 'development' to 'movement' in ...

Jonathan Friedman, Shalini Randeria

Worlds on the Move : Globalisation, Migration and Cultural Security (Toda Institute Book Series on Global Peace and Policy)

Diasporas have become a visible phenomenon of the modern world. In airports, shopping centers, city parks are found recent immigrants from many different countries. The impact of these "worlds on the move" on globalization, migration, and ...

Dan LA Botz

Made in Indonesia: Indonesian Workers Since Suharto

A dynamic new labor movement emerged in Indonesia in the 1990s, helping to bring down the brutal Suharto dictatorship in 1998. Through rare personal interviews with the activists who are leading the rebirth of struggle for democratic rights in the ...

<<<  Michael Franz Roehrig. Foreign Joint Ventures in Contemporary China             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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