Rebecca Harding, William E. Paterson

The Future of the German Economy: An End to the Miracle?

This insightful interpretation covers German economic policy and macroeconomic performance since the election of the Schroder government, the "Alliance of Jobs" employment policy, German corporatism (including finance and industrial relations), ...

Ronald H. Chilcote

The Political Economy of Imperialism

From the British Empire to the WTO, imperialism and its political economy have turned the world upside down. This volume of original essays by internationally noted scholars traces the spread of imperialism and capitalism and demonstrates that ...

John S. Dryzek, Leslie Templeman Holmes

Postcommunist Democratization: Political Discourses Across Thirteen Countries (Theories of Institutional Design)

The study of the democratic transitions of former Communist states has been fertile ground for students of politics. This book provides a novel "ground up" perspective by examining the ways in which ordinary people have viewed and responded to ...

Melford Pearson

A Blueprint for Survival: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The main thrust of A Blueprint for Survival is to offer proposals for the solution of the most serious problems, both economic and political, that burden the nation. It recognizes the fact that comprehensive economic justice and peace can only be ...

<<<  Raghbendra Jha, Raghbenda Jha. Indian Economic Reforms             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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