Rebecca Morales, Frank Bonilla

Latinos in a Changing U.S. Economy: Comparative Perspectives on Growing Inequality (Sage Series on Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol 7)

The contributors identify the increasing differences in income and social status between rich and poor, Anglos and Latinos, men and women, immigrant and native born, and suggest policy options that will reverse the growth of social inequality. ...

Garth L. Mangum, Stephen L. Mangum, Andrew M. Sum, Andrew Sum, Sar A. Programs in Aid of the Poor Levitan

The Persistence of Poverty in the United States

For more than thirty years, students, scholars, and policymakers have relied on successive editions of Sar A. Levitan's Programs in Aid of the Poor . Now, in conjunction with the eighth edition of that classic work, coauthors Garth Mangum, ...

Layna Mosley

Global Capital and National Governments

This book examines the degree to which international financial markets affect governments' policy choices. It provides empirical evidence as to whether financial globalization creates pressures on governments of developed and developing nations to ...

Inter-American Development Bank


Regional integration initiatives have long been part of the world economic landscape. In Latin America, integration flourished in the early post-war era but then lost momentum until the 1990s, when there was a new wave of initiatives ranging from ...

<<<  A. D. Zapranis, Apostolos-Paul Refenes. ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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