David T. Ronan

Practical Vcr Repair

This textbook bridges the gap between the sometimes overly simple VCR repair guides aimed at the average do-it-yourself and the highly technical manuals designed for use by experienced radio and TV bench technicians. Complete coverage includes both ...

Marc Freedman

The Kindness of Strangers: Adult Mentors, Urban Youth, and the New Voluntarism

The Kindness of Strangers tells the story of a group of concerned adults who mentor inner-city youth. It describes what volunteers can do to ameliorate the conditions of young people living in poverty. It chronicles the rise of the mentoring ...

Elizabeth Kruempelmann

The Global Citizen: A Guide to Creating an International Life and Career

If your dreams of career success include jobs in Prague or Munich, if you want to learn Mandarin while living in China, or if your travel plans always require a passport, then THE GLOBAL CITIZEN is for you. Written by Monster.com's former ...

Simon Howard

Essential Managers: Writing Your Resume

Everything a job hunter needs to know about creating and using a resume to land an offer. Learn all you need to know about creating and using a resume successfully, from summarizing your achievements to targeting potential companies and replying ...

<<<  Neil Sclater. Electronic Technology Handbook             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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