Jan Goldberg

Careers for Geniuses & Other Gifted Types

Careers for Geniuses and Other Gifted Types lets career explorers look at the job market through the unique lens of their own interests. The book reveals dozens of ways to pursue a passion and make a living--including many little-known but ...

Jd Jungle, MBA Jungle, MBA Jungle, JD Jungle

Nail the Job: Every Tool You'll Need to Land Your Dream Job and Master Your Career

From the editors of MBA Jungle and JD Jungle magazines, the definitive, one-stop resource for first-time job seekers and career changers alike. Whether you're looking for entry-level work, short-term job experience that can lead to a satisfying ...

Michael Zanko

The Handbook of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices in Asia-Pacific Economies (New Horizons in Management Series)

It is becoming increasingly recognized that the way in which human resources are managed is a key source of sustainable competitive advantage for business. Nowhere, Michael Zanko argues, is this seen to be more relevant than in the Asia-Pacific ...

James Johnson

Introduction to Fluid Power

Featuring easy-to-understand explanations of theory and underlying mathematics principles, this book provides readers with a complete introduction to fluid power, including hydraulics and pneumatics. The differences and similarities between ...

<<<  Grant Reeher, Mack Mariani, Mack D. Mariani. The Insider's Guide to Political ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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