Isa Ducke

Status Power: Japan's Foreign Policy Toward Korea

This book examines recent developments in Japanese-Korean relations. Its aim is to show how "soft" issues like history consciousness or national identity have an impact on concrete policy decisions including security or economic matters which are ...

Leonard A. Doty

Reliability for the Technologies

A unique volume, Reliability for the Technologies is designed to promote understanding of reliability's function in the achievement of safe, reliable technology. It represents one of the finest books yet published on this current and urgent ...

A. C. Hannah, Donald Spence

The International Sugar Trade

Once considered a rare and exotic sweetener, sugar was not always as widely available or important as it is today. As part of the human diet for nearly all of recorded history, sugar has evolved over time, becoming quite a common commodity. Yet the ...

Gilbert Held

Server Management

This single-volume desktop reference provides comprehensive information on all server issues - featuring contributions from experts in the field. Engineers for system vendors, systems integrators, major resellers, end-users, and representatives from ...

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