Anne Coyle

Leadership: The ASTD Trainer's Sourcebook

Prepared by experts at the top of their fields, on behalf of the American Society for Training and Development, the ASTD Trainer's Sourcebook Series gives you easy-to-personalize, ready-to-run workshops on the hottest topics in training. Offering ...

Maxine Dalton, Chris Ernst, Jennifer Deal, Jean Leslie, Christopher T. Ernst, Jennifer Deal, Jean Leslie

Success for the New Global Manager: How to Work Across Distances, Countries, and Cultures

As globalization has evolved from being the latest corporate buzzword to a basic economic reality, more and more organizations are realizing that they need managers with skills that translate well to the international arena. But unfortunately many ...

Thomas F. Wallace

Customer-Driven Strategy: Winning Through Operational Excellence

This indispensable resource presents a straightforward technique to evolve a customer-driven perspective from new product development in order to effectively manage the supply chain. Explains how to leverage continuous improvement initiatives to ...

Thomas L. Jackson, Karen R. Jones, Karen Jones

Implementing a Lean Management System (Corporate Leadership)

Does your company think and act ahead of technological change, ahead of the customer, and ahead of the competition? Thinking strategically requires a company to face these questions with a clear future image of itself. Implementing a Lean ...

<<<  John P. Kotter. Force for Change: How Leadership Differs ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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