Ingeman Arbnor, Bjorn Bjerke

Methodology for Creating Business Knowledge

`This book provides a clear and concise treatment of the history and theory of scientific research... recommended for research students in business and social sciences and as a supporting text for a course on research methodology' - Business ...

John P. Schuster, Jill Carpenter

The Power of Open-Book Management : Releasing the True Potential of People's Minds, Hearts, and Hands

Praise for The Power of Open-Book Management "The Power of Open-Book Management is the essential guidebook for every organization that wants all its associates to understand how they make and lose money—and that should be every ...

William J. Rothwell, Ethan S. Sanders, Jeffrey G. Soper

ASTD Models for Workplace Learning and Performance

This book presents data and insights gathered from more than 1,100 respondents from 28 different countries. It enables practitioners to understand the convergence of learning and performance in the future workplace and to maintain the delicate ...

Systems Thinker Newsletter

Making It Happen: Stories from Inside the New Workplace

Every workday, individuals and organizations accumulate hard-earned experience as they introduce organizational learning in a multitude of settings. Making It Happen is a collection of vital accounts by these pioneers--real people who are wrestling ...

<<<  Gary V. Sluyter, Sage Publications. Improving Organizational ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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