Stefan P. Bornheim

The Organizational Form of Family Business

The Organizational Form of Family Business attempts to develop an evolutionary family business theory, positioning family businesses as a distinct organizational form (based on conjectures from organizational ecology). An open and uninhibited ...

Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt

Financial Management/infotrac: Theory and Practice

This text remains the only text in the market that presents a balance of financial theory and applications. The authors maintain the same four goals as with the first edition: helping learners to make good financial decisions, providing a solid ...

James A. Dorn, Dorn James A.

China in the New Millennium: Market Reforms and Social Development

The essays in this volume consider the state of China's economic reforms, the institutional changes necessary for China to become a global economic power, and the interplay between market reforms and social development in China. ...

Hans W. Gottinger

Global Environmental Economics

The major purpose of this book is to contribute to better economic policy analysis through improvements in models studying the economic impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, and to show ways in which economic instruments can ...

<<<  Keith Acheson, Christopher Maule. Much Ado About Culture: North ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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