C. A. E. Goodhart

Money, Information and Uncertainty: 2nd Edition

Significantly rewritten and updated, this well known textbook covers the whole of monetary economics, from the role of money to international monetary relationships. It is unique in linking theoretical findings to policy issues and events, and ...

Regression Analysis: Statistical Modeling of A Response Variable

Regression Analysis provides students with the skills and techniques necessary for the intelligent statistical analysis of a response variable. The book underscores statistical concepts, de-emphasizes formulas, and incorporates real data from ...

Robert J. Holton

Globalization and the Nation-State

Faced with so much rhetoric and hype about how globalization is changing the world in which we live, it is hard to assess what it really means and what effect it will have on the lives of individuals and nations. This book sets out to make ...

Tim Forsyth

Critical Political Ecology: The Politics of Environmental Science

Addressing the key dilemmas facing environmental policy and scientific debate, this work presents a framework for advancing these debates, and for moving environmental politics towards an understanding of ecological science as a political process. ...

<<<  Paul Stevens, Paul Steven, United Arab Emirates) ...             George A. Jouganatos. The Development of the Greek Economy, ... >>>

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