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Sharan Jagpal Marketing Strategy and Uncertainty
This unique book develops a rigorous integrated theory of marketing under uncertainty. Cutting across traditional functional boundaries, the author develops behaviorally rich and empirically implementable solutions to previously neglected strategic
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Nancy Folbre The Invisible Heart: Economics and Family Values
A brilliant new approach to the economics of caregiving, from the MacArthur Award-winning economist. There has been much talk about family values in recent years, but little examination of the economic forces that are exploding family life and
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Michel Fleuriet Finance : A Fine Art
"Like a true Master in Fine Arts, Michel Fleuriet is able to combine a great historical culture with a deep technical background to give us a brilliant and synthetic view of the fundamentals driving financial markets. This book should be a reference
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Jagdish Bhagwati, Mathias Hirsch The Uruguay Round and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Arthur Dunkel (Studies in International Economics)
Greatly admired by the world community of policymakers and scholars of international trade, Arthur Dunkel is credited with having saved the Uruguay Round from failure. This volume--whose authors include the most distinguished trade policymakers
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