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Roger Mason Finance for Non-Financial Managers in a Week (In a Week)
In both the public and private sectors, financial competence and understanding are essential for most managers, although many of them will have received no formal training. This book provides a practical step-by-step grounding. Topics include:
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Ragnar E. Lofstedt Risk Management in Post-Trust Society
Book Description Risk communication helps companies, governments and institutions minimize disputes, resolve issues, and anticipate problems before they result in an irreversible breakdown in communications. Most policy makers still use
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Maisie Ooi Shares and Other Securities in the Conflict of Laws (Oxford Monographs in Private International Law)
Book DescriptionThis book examines the problems of choice of law where transactions cross borders and involve shares or other securities of different nationalities. It considers dealings in securities under the traditional direct holding system and
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Michael E. Echols Rio on Human Capital Investment
Book DescriptionProvides CEOs, human resource managers and CFOs the methods needed to favorably impact the financial returns on their human capital investment. Dr. Michael Echols combines more than 30 years experience as a corporate executive,
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