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Matthew Manus Critical Theory
Book DescriptionAuthor and theorist Matthew Manus presents us with a text of Critical Theory that contributes to the ongoing critique of capitalism and its effects upon the human individual and society. Download DescriptionAuthor and
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Urban and Regional Prosperity in a Globalised New Economy (Published in Association With Institute for Industrial Development Policy, Universities of Birmingham, ... Ferrara, Italy and Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Us)
Book DescriptionThere is currently a popular view that the world is undergoing profound changes in the fundamental relationships upon which it is organized. In particular, there is widespread talk of a ?globalized? economy, facilitated by
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I. Hasan Research in Banking and Finance, Vol. 3 (Research in Banking and Finance)
Book DescriptionThis volume includes papers on topics related to efficiency issues in U.S. and European equity and options markets, as well as the productive efficiency of various types of depository financial institutions. In the capital market
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Richard Bull Financial Ratios : Building a Model fo Success for Your Business (Spiro Business Guides)
Book DescriptionThis book looks at the ratios in a practical business context what they are trying to achieve,when it is helpful to use them amd where thier limitations lie.
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